
Limino kinetic lab S2

Lumino Kinetic Lab S4 002

For this alternate version, the resort stand ring holds the prism instead of the previous clamp. This version appeared to me more stable and present inside animation effectively. 

Yuri Endo 2012
Design instruction by Professor David Hall 

Lumino Kinetic Lab S4 001

This is a makeshift testing set and also a possible option for my final mock-up. Inspired by science laboratories, a clamp attached to the retort stand holds the prism. 

Yuri Endo 2012
Design instruction by Professor David Hall 


Casting resin prism test

Unfortunately, this mock-up only worked in the almost pitch-black environment, where I couldn't  video capture due to the lack of light source. 

I have been wondering if the holographic projection film would make any differences to improve this mock-up. ( ex. Placed the film on each side of glass prism, then proceed to resin casting process.)   

Yuri Endo 2012
Design instruction by Professor David Hall