
A Brief Overview

Yuri Endo 2012
Created with Penki 

The prime purpose of my thesis project, Lumino Kinetic and Beyond (working title), is to explore media art forms for the purpose of light installation. Researches and experimentations would be formed by convergence of sculpture, photography, motion picture and space design that results in installations exploring the idea of creativity filtered through lumino kinetic interaction. 

>>STAGE ONE: Research and development
Exploration of the principal of light, lighting techniques and light art forms.

>>STAGE TWO: Prototyping and evaluation
Development of conceptual projects under selected themes to construct prototypes to achieve evaluation for the final outlet.

>Theme 1. Optic (Science and art integration) 
>Theme 2. Pattern (Systemic and self-organizing) 
>Theme 3. Intensity (Progressive visual communication) 
>Theme 4. Versatility  (Space and object interaction) 
>Theme 5. Integration 

>>STAGE THREE:  Exhibition and installation
Demonstration in public and/or private spaces. 

>>STAGE FOUR: Documentation
Documentation of the projects including philosophy, research, photography, video, and possible future development of said projects and process.

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