
Papper's ghost: Glass test results

Although they seem as though some bad photoshop jobs, those are the "ghost" manny images that I managed to capture in an almost pitch black setting, with a help of tiny amount of light from the LED lamp spotted at the "prop" Munny. 

The ghost can only be seen if viewers stayed in front of it. In other words, if they view it from the sides or look down from higher position,  the ghost would disappear.

Yuri Endo 2012


Papper's ghost: Glass

For this experiment, I build a set using, a sheet of photo frame glass, LED lamp,black textile and a Munny doll to create another Pepper's ghost illusion.

The sheet of class is placed in front of the Munny doll and the light source is spotted at Munny. The back ground covered with the black textile so the ghost can be seen clearly. 

When the light hits Munny,  it gets reflected on the glass and creates its ghost over the glass. 
Yuri Endo 2012

Reference: Peppers Ghost Illusion


Pepper's ghost: box

This time,  I chose the traditional box method, which I have covered in my previous post to test Pepper's ghost effect.  

The box (H: 8cm × W: 16cm × D: 8cm) and its lid ( H: 8.3cm × W: 16.3cm × D: 8.3cm) are made out a sheet of white cardboard. I used a sheet of clear acrylic (H: 8cm × W: 11.4 cm × D: 0.2 cm) as a reflector. Inside the box, I placed two architectural scale model figures to create a "prop" (the male figure) and a ghost  (the female figure). As a result, the female ghost appeared around the left shoulder of the male prop.  

Yuri Endo 2012


Pepperpod test video

Pepperpod test 001 from Yuri Endo on Vimeo.

Pepper's ghost: 360° illusion pyramid test 003

For this experimentation, instead of using the same exact 4 images, I placed front, side and back images of Munny doll to test the complete 360° angle view of the doll. 

Yuri Endo 2012

Pepper's ghost: 360° illusion pyramid test 002

Yuri Endo 2012

Pepper's ghost: 360° illusion pyramid test 001

Yuri Endo 2012

Pepper's ghost: 360° illusion pyramid

While waiting for the holographic projection screen film to arrive, I run a test based on Pepper's Ghost technique. Out of a few options that I found, I chose the pyramid method to test 360° hologram (faux)  illusion: 

On the bottom of the pyramid, made out of a sheet of OHP transparent film, a 6×6 (cm) white cardboard is placed, and after removing the top parts of the pyramid ( about 9mm each)  a 1×1 (cm) cardboard is placed on the top as dimmer. 

A 2D image, which is consist of 4 exact same skulls, is uploaded in the ipod.  

The pyramid top would be placed in the middle of the 4 images to create 3D holographic-like illusion. 
Yuri Endo 2012

Pepper's ghost 101

Yuri Endo 2012

Reference: Science of Light - Peppers Ghost by Lina Bjorn


Pepper's Ghost

Pepper's Ghost is an illusionary technique, which directly connects to how light and reflection behave. By utilizing special lighting teqniques and plate glass, it makes viewers see objects that are not physically there. In that sense, this method has been frequently used for theater, haunted house, magic tricks and special effects in movies.

The first known description of the effect is found in a 16th century Naepolitan scientist and scholar, Giambattista della Porta's work Magia Nuturalis (Natural Magic) from 1584. 

Later in the 19th century, the tequnique was developed by inventor Henry Dircks as the Dircksian Phantasmagoria, in which a ghost appears on-stage during theater performances. Consequently, the effect was named after John Henry Pepper, who modified Dircks's concept and demonstrated it during a scene of Charle's Dickens's The Haunted Man in 1860, which led him to a great success.

Currently, Pepper's ghost effects can be found in various museum exhibitions, amusement attractions and onstage live performances3D holographic projection technology is also based on this illusionary technique. 


PROJECT TWO: revision

Yuri Endo 2012

After a contemplation,  I have decided that I would replace the Zoetrope project to another ongoing Holography project in order to develop my thesis research subjects.

On that note, once again, throughout the duration of this course, I plan to focus on developing my ongoing Holography experimentation, in connection with rapid prototyping and fabrication for the purpose of visual art and new media. 

Applying the principle of light and optics, my prime goal is to generate a 3D holographic display, in which 3D printed object ( or laser cute object) serves as the center of this installation. 

On that note, I plan to proceed with the following carte; 

A. Rapid prototyping and fabrication 
>> STAGE ONE  3D formation and modeling 
>> STAGE TWO Laser cutting and 3D Printing
>> STAGE THREE 3D animation 

B. Device and Space design 
>> STAGE ONE  3D Holographic display (based on an illusionary technique, Pepper's Ghost) design and  fabrication
>> STAGE TWO Exhibition production design (for its exhibition during the Degree show scheduled in late December, 2012. )  

Reference: Yuri Endo thesis research blog >> Übernotes  
Yuri Endo Independent Studies II research blog >> Bnotes



Slicepod 001

I replaced the glass prism with acrylic slices ( 50 × 50 × 2 mm, 24 slices ) 
Reference: Anotes >> Slicepod process  

Slicepod test 001 from Yuri Endo on Vimeo.



Yuri Endo 2012

El Zoetropito (working title) 

Simultaneously with PROJECT ONE, I plan to focus on developing my ongoing Zoetrope experimentation, in connection with rapid prototyping and fabrication for the purpose of visual art and new media. 

Applying the principle of light and optics, my prime goal is to generate a 3D zoetrope, in which 3D printed objects would serve as animation sequence. 

On that note, I plan to proceed with the following carte for this particular project; 

A. Rapid prototyping and fabrication 
>> STAGE ONE  3D formation and modeling 
>> STAGE TWO 3D Printing 

B. Device and Space design 
>> STAGE ONE  Zoetrope design and  fabrication
>> STAGE TWO Exhibition production design (for its exhibition during the degree show.)  

Reference:  Emergent Media One research blog >> Bnotes 


Yuri Endo 2012

Over the next few months, I plan to focus on developing 2 of my previous research projects.

Luminous Specimen: The Integration (working title) 

In the duration of the preceding experimental stage, my main focus was on generating the concept and creating a prototype, in addition to test various visual effects that can be achieved through a pyramid shaped prism from motion picture sequences played in an ipod touch. 

In this second stage of the research, my primal goal is to firstly, upgrade the actual content of the motion picture (animation)  by adopting elements of the projects that would be executed during the course, Emergent Media OneFinallyto regenerate the prototype for my final presentation at the degree show scheduled in late December, 2012 in Seoul, Korea.  

On that note, I plan to proceed with the following carte;  

A. Computer generation of motion pictures   
>> STYLE ONE: Symbolic graphics (Typography) 
>> STYLE TWO: Nonfigurative graphics 

B. Device and Space design 
>>STAGE ONE : Prototype regeneration ( with additional devices/functions) 
>>STAGE TWO :  Exhibition / Space design for the purpose of visual art and new media

Reference:  Independent Study II research blog >> Anotes


El Zoetropito II

Yuri Endo 2012

After several trial and errors, I finally caught a glimpse of animation through thi second DIY zoetrope. (As its rotation speed was still not stable, I failed to video document it.)  My next step is to finally move on from this analog stage and "digitalize" my previous experimentations.  The whole process and results  will be documented in this blog, and my other 2 blogs; A:NOTES and  B:NOTES.